Sub-sectors of the cultural and creative industries
Creative people are the basis of the cultural and creative industriesAuthors, filmmakers, musicians, visual and performing artists, architects, designers, representatives of the broadcasting industry and the book and press market as well as developers in the games and software industry create artistic quality, cultural diversity, creative renewal and at the same time stand for economic dynamism and innovation.
LEADER project to promote CULTURE and CREATIVE ECONOMY in the district of Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm
The KUS has carried out a cooperation project with the LAG Altbayerisches Donaumoos. The aim was to promote the cultural and creative industries. The Cultural and Creative Industries Association emerged from this LEADER project.
The cooperation partners contributed to the following projects:
LAG Altbayerisches Donaumoos: Creative workshop Oberhausen
Detailed information on the project can be found in the factual report to be found.

Project goals:
The aim of the project was to integrate the experience and expertise of the individual cultural and creative professionals from the district into a network, to create a framework for exchanging experiences and to cover the needs of the creative industries across the board through lectures, workshops and various other event formats.
A further aim was to test event formats for this target group, document the results and adapt or discontinue the formats accordingly.
This acquired knowledge was processed and communicated accordingly in the context of the cooperation project and made available to the partners as a case study.
In return, the KUS was able to benefit from the experience of the cooperation partner. By monitoring and documenting the process and the implementation of a “creative workshop” in the LAG Altbayerisches Donaumoos, the LAG Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm can incorporate the knowledge gained from this into a possible project of its own in the future.
Concrete measures
- Organization and implementation of a wide variety of event formats for members of the cultural and creative industries in the district of Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm
- Evaluation of the respective events in cooperation with consult.IN and preparation of a case study
- Regular coordination with members from the cultural and creative industries
- Regular coordination with the cooperation partner and preparation of a case study
Your contact person
Saskia Stadlmeir
Saskia ist unsere Ansprechpartnerin in allen Fragen rund um das Thema „Gründung“ im Landkreis. Sie berät GründerInnen, vermittelt hilfreiche Kontakte und sorgt mit Gründertreffs und „KUS meets Gründer“ für Erfahrungsaustausch der Gründer untereinander. Zudem konzipiert sie Unternehmerforum und Unternehmertag und ist Impulsgeberin in den Bereichen Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Ihr Lieblingsplatz im Landkreis ist der Prielhof mit seinen umliegenden Wanderwegen.