Skilled workers & education

Skilled workers & education

Well-trained specialists are the basis for innovation and competitiveness of companies. The KUS is involved in networks to secure skilled workers and supports companies in the district with initiatives, offers and projects.

Attract & retain skilled workers

In today’s highly competitive business world, it is crucial to attract qualified specialists and retain them in the long term. The demand for talent often exceeds the supply, which means that companies have to develop innovative strategies for securing skilled workers.

With various event formats, the KUS provides approaches that can support companies from the district of Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm in overcoming this challenge.

Women back into working life

The Alliance for Skilled Workers has already organized the event “Women back to work” several times. More than 50 women recently accepted the invitation, women returning to work reported on their experiences and female entrepreneurs explained what is important when applying for a part-time job. With this recurring event format, the Alliance for Skilled Workers has created an ideal platform where companies and women returning to work can make initial direct contact in an informal setting. The event motivates unsuccessful female applicants and brings them together with companies as part of “job dating”. A considerable number of the participants can be placed in companies following the events.


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Train skilled workers

By training skilled workers, companies can help to ensure their own competitiveness, efficiency, innovation and the long-term sustainability of the company.

The KUS supports companies in publicizing their apprenticeships as well as prospective apprentices in their search for an apprenticeship.

Adult education

The Hallertau Business Academy is an initiative of the Mainburg, Kelheim and Pfaffenhofen adult education centers. It offers companies in the region professional training and development opportunities for their employees. The programs of the individual educational institutions are constantly updated and expanded.

There are various funding options for vocational training measures, such as the WeGebAU education voucher and the education premium. Under certain conditions, the costs of training measures can also be funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Combining work & family

Studies also show that for qualified young people, family-friendliness plays just as important a role as salary when choosing an employer. Companies that are aware of this are ahead of the competition for skilled workers.


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