Digitization holds enormous growth potential. In addition to possibilities for individualization, new marketing channels, cost and energy efficiency, this also involves completely new business models. The KUS is at your side as a neutral advisor offering guidance and making you fit for digitalization.
Consulting services
Do you have questions about digitization? Arrange a free appointment with our eCoach Annegret Lange by calling 08441-40074-50 or sending an e-mail to annegret.lange@kus-pfaffenhofen.de.
Support programs
Maintaining competitiveness and exploiting growth potential – in the age of digitalization, this is a major challenge for companies. Funding programs can provide support.
KUS Digi Check
From the automation of processes, the individualization of products or the use of big data, digitalization offers numerous opportunities for companies. In order to develop a targeted digitalization strategy that is suitable for your own company, it is important to first gain an overview of the current status.
Our “KUS Digi-Check” provides guidance in this regard. You can use this tool to assess your own level of digitalization.
As part of the “Echt Digital” initiative of Tourismus Oberbayern München (TOM) e.V., a special digital check is also available for tourism businesses. The implementation takes place together with the eCoach. Interested? Get in touch with us and make an appointment for a free digital check!
Have you used the KUS Digi Check to identify initial starting points?
At the hackathon, you have the opportunity to develop visionary solutions for everyday professional challenges in collaboration with programmers, founders and other bright minds.
As a cooperation event of Region 10, the hackathon will be held together with the city of Ingolstadt and the districts of Eichstätt and Neuburg-Schrobenhausen.
Cyber Security
With the growing importance of digitalization, the risk of falling victim to a cyberattack is also increasing. It is often not only large international corporations that are the focus of hackers. In fact, cyber attacks are now concentrated on small and medium-sized companies.
The protection of a company’s own data is an essential aspect of remaining capable of acting and can even offer a competitive advantage.
To this end, every company should draw up a comprehensive IT security strategy including an IT contingency plan.
Bayern Innovativ provides easy-to-understand information on IT security with its “Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign”. The main aim of this is to sensitize employees to the topic of cybersecurity.
As part of the campaign, step-by-step instructions, various explanatory videos and other materials are available for download.
The “DIN SPEC 27076” standard was drawn up and developed as part of the “mIT Standard sicher” project by the Bundesverband mittelständischer Wirtschaft – Unternehmerverband Deutschland (BVMW) in cooperation with the German Institute for Standardization (DIN). This is intended to support companies with up to 50 employees in optimizing their own IT security in the most low-threshold and transparent way possible.
Specifically, this is a cyber risk check with six subject areas. Ideally, this should be carried out together with the IT service provider. The test shows the current status quo and offers specific recommendations for action. As a rule, verification is possible within one working day. The go-digital funding program can be used to apply for a subsidy of up to 50 percent of the costs.
Further information and an overview of service providers can be found on the Website www.mit-standard-sicher.de
One of the most important infrastructure tasks of the coming years!
Broadband expansion
A good broadband infrastructure is one of the most important location factors for companies and is therefore a permanent focus of economic development.
Supply options were examined and strategies for high-speed expansion presented as part of district-wide feasibility studies. The Bavarian state government supports the expansion of high-bandwidth networks, i.e. transmission rates of 50 megabits per second and more, with funding programs. The first funding phase, which focused on providing basic DSL coverage throughout the district, has now been completed and all 19 district municipalities have participated. In the current funding program for high-speed networks, the municipalities are already implementing the measures.
County-wide coordination
Under the leadership of the Economic Development department, a district-wide study on further high-speed expansion was carried out in 2012 and 2013. This served as the basis for the start of further broadband expansion. The municipalities are supported by KUS in cooperation with the Office for Digitization, Broadband and Surveying Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm and the Bavarian Broadband Centre.
What is currently happening?
You can find out which municipalities in the district are in the funding process and which funding stage they are currently in here. In most municipalities, construction measures to expand the networks are already underway. In some cases, municipalities or municipal areas are also expanded by the network operators themselves, which is why the municipalities in question were able to withdraw from the funding process.
If you, as a business owner, are unsure which broadband expansion measures are currently underway at your location, please contact your local authority’s broadband mentor. We will of course be happy to put you in touch with them, just give us a call.
Your contact person
Annegret Lange
Annegret ist beim KUS zuständig für alle digitalen Themen und steht als eCoachin Unterkünften und Freizeitbetriebe mit konkreten Tipps zur Seite. Als großer Fan von Sommer und Sonne verbringt sie gerne Zeit im Pfaffenhofener Freibad.
Fit für Digitalisierung: Digitalisierungsstrategien
- 08. October 2024
Fit für Digitalisierung: Beratungstag
- 24. July 2024
- 20. June 2024