Operational sustainability

Operational sustainability

Sustainability is the central theme. Operational sustainability refers not only to ecological, but also to social and economic effects.

It is about creating long-term value for all stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers and the community.

Operational sustainability is not only a responsibility, but also an opportunity to drive innovation and competitiveness while achieving long-term, sustainable success.

Sustainability measures in companies

There are many ways in which companies can integrate operational sustainability into their business strategies:

  1. Sustainable supply chains: Companies should select their suppliers carefully and push for sustainable practices. This could include the use of environmentally friendly materials, fair working conditions and social responsibility.

  2. Energy efficiency and renewable energies: Switching to renewable energy and introducing energy-efficient technologies can significantly reduce a company’s carbon footprint.

  3. Waste reduction and recycling: Companies can minimize waste by using recyclable materials and implementing recycling programs.

  4. Promoting employee participation: Employees can play an important role in promoting sustainability within the company. Companies should encourage their employees to contribute sustainable ideas and actively participate in sustainability initiatives.

Sustainability pilot of the HWK

The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Handwerk has developed a sustainability pilot.

The free service gives skilled trade businesses the opportunity to find out within 15 minutes how sustainable they currently are and in which areas they have the greatest potential for development.


Sustainability certificates serve as independent proof that a company actually implements sustainable practices. This creates trust among customers, business partners and investors, as they can ensure that the company keeps its promises in terms of sustainability.

The KUS supports you as a guide in achieving your certification goals.

KUS Trainee Sustainability Scouts

At a time when awareness of sustainability in our society is stronger than ever before, we present our project: the KUS – Trainee Sustainability Scouts.

This innovative program is aimed at trainees who are committed to the topic of sustainability and are willing to transfer this knowledge to their company. Sustainability is not just a trend, it should be an integral part of the corporate culture.

The program is tailored to the needs of today’s working world and covers a wide range of topics and skills in the area of sustainability:

Training will start in spring 2024.

Your contact person

Susanne Schmid

Betriebliche Nachhaltigkeit

Susanne ist unsere Ansprechpartnerin für die Belange der Nachhaltigkeit, insbesondere bei dem Projekt der "Nachhaltigkeitsscouts" Zudem kümmert sie sich um die touristische Weiterentwicklung unserer Wanderwege. Ihr besonderer place to be ist der Waldkletterpark in Jetzendorf.

08441 40074-56

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