Company foundation

Company foundation

The opportunities and risks of self-employment are equally great. It is therefore important to obtain detailed information in advance.

Start-ups will find a competent partner in KUS. We are happy to accompany you on your start-up journey – whether it’s finding commercial premises, funding opportunities or contacts to important contacts.

KUS start-up folder


with the KUS start-up brochure

in which we offer ten start-up steps as concrete suggestions and assistance in addition to free advice and services for your founders.


with the Business Model Canvas

a template for developing or reviewing your own business model.


with PERSONA template

to help define the target group.


The KUS at your side

We are happy to assist you neutrally and free of charge during the start-up phase. Take advantage of our service and make an appointment for a free consultation.

P.S: If you are also registered in the official online company register of the district of Pfaffenhofen
would like to appear, please send us a message.

Your contact person

Saskia Stadlmeir


Saskia ist unsere Ansprechpartnerin in allen Fragen rund um das Thema „Gründung“ im Landkreis. Sie berät GründerInnen, vermittelt hilfreiche Kontakte und sorgt mit Gründertreffs und „KUS meets Gründer“ für Erfahrungsaustausch der Gründer untereinander. Zudem konzipiert sie Unternehmerforum und Unternehmertag und ist Impulsgeberin in den Bereichen Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Ihr Lieblingsplatz im Landkreis ist der Prielhof mit seinen umliegenden Wanderwegen.

08441 40074-42
Saskia Stadlmeir

Networking & further training

Many young entrepreneurs face difficult questions and often unexpected challenges, especially in the first few years of setting up a business. In such situations, it is helpful to talk to like-minded people and share experiences. This is precisely why we want to offer a platform for networking and knowledge transfer in the district with “KUS meets founders” and our founders’ meetings.

Success stories

…were and are written in the district of Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm.

Funding opportunities

The financing of (start-up) operations can be a particular problem for start-ups. Financial assistance from the federal and state governments often offers a solution here. These can be loans and grants. However, subsidies can also come into play when preparing your start-up project.

The KUS will be happy to give you an overview of the relevant funding opportunities and help you find the right program for you.


Der Coach in er Veranstaltung lacht in die Kamera.

KUS-Gründertreff „Resilienz & Networking“

Der nächste Gründertreff findet am Dienstag, 25. Februar, ab 18 Uhr zum Thema „Resilienz & Networking“ statt.

KUS-Gründertreff „Leises Marketing“

In einer digitalen Welt, die von ständiger Präsenz und Content-Flut lebt, zeigt uns Marketing-Expertin Susanne Büttner, wie es auch anders geht: Leises Marketing als ein Weg zu mehr Erfolg und authentischer Sichtbarkeit.

KUS meets Gründer 2024

KUS meets Gründer findet jedes Jahr im Sommer in wechselnden Locations statt.

Current articles